Friday, 28 January 2011

Order a phone recycling box and help the homeless

It is estimated there are currently 80 million redundant mobile phones in the UK, but a new corporate drop box scheme will help put them to good use. The scheme has been organised by Broadway, a leading London homelessness charity, as part of its “Phones For Homes” campaign whereby the charity receives a minimum of £3 and up to £30 for every phone donated.
Phones For Homes

Rebecca Sycamore, Broadway’s Director of Fundraising and Marketing, commented: “The money raised from the campaign will help fund our work with homeless people in London, helping them to find and keep a home and supporting them into training and work. As well as phones employees can also re-cycle empty inkjet cartridges in the boxes. Companies can also help by becoming commercial sponsors for the campaign.”

To order a donation box or envelope contact the Broadway fundraising team by phoning 020 7710 0576, or emailing Further information on the campaign is available on Broadway’s web site at or

•The most common cause of homelessness is relationship breakdown.
•The average person is just three pay cheques away from being homeless.
•“People who are homeless are amongst the poorest, most vulnerable and least healthy in society,” (Health Development
Agency, Homelessness, Smoking and Health 2004).
•In England tonight, more than 500 people will sleep rough on the streets and a further 50,000 will sleep in homeless hostels.
•Homelessness is not a popular cause in the UK. The top three causes donors support are medical research (20%), hospitals/hospices (15%) and children/ young people (14%). In contrast, homelessness receives only 4% which even falls behind animal welfare in popularity.
•For every one homeless person you see sleeping on the streets there are 100 people living in hostels and 1100 households living in unsafe, insecure accommodation.

Broadway is a London based charity helping homeless and vulnerable adults to move off the streets and into a home. Last year it worked with 4,327 people on their journey from street to home. The charity works mainly with single adults - not directly with children or families - but individuals who have often led difficult, lonely and turbulent lives with less access to support.


  1. Helping children and senior citizens by mobile recycling is great. Recycling has become a form of charity.

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